Adverbial KLAUSULAAdverbial Ayat (Menggunakan sebelum, setelah, kapan dan sementara)
Pelajari contoh berikut.
a. Ketika bayi berada di ranjangnya, ular besar mendekatinya.
(Klausa adverbial) (klausa independen)
b. Dia mengunci pintu untuk membuat emas di dalam aman sebelum perempuan itu meninggalkan rumah.
(Klausa independen) (klausa adverbial)
Catatan:- Klausa adverbial adalah klausa tergantung yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri. Ular besar mendekatinya adalah
ayat (utama) independen.- Introducers Waktu klausa adverbia dapat dimasukkan baik sebagai klausa pertama atau kedua (lihat contoh dan
b).- Tanda baca ini: jika klausa adverbia datang pertama, koma diperlukan untuk klausa yang terpisah (lihat contoh
Jika klausa adverbia datang yang kedua, koma tidak diperlukan (lihat no b.).-
Klausa Adverbia diperkenalkan oleh sebelum, setelah, kapan, dan
sementara adalah kata keterangan klausul waktu (yang berarti bahwa
klausa menjelaskan saat peristiwa).
Waktu Introducer Setelahex: anjing itu tewas oleh warga desa setelah terluka bayi.berarti: Setelah berarti terjadi pada waktu setelah waktu tertentu.
Waktu Introducer Sebelumex: Sebelum ia meninggal, ia mengatakan beberapa kata penting untuk anak-anaknya.berarti: Sebelum berarti sebelumnya dalam waktu atau sebelumnya.
Waktu Saat Introducerex: Ketika saya masih kecil, aku pergi ke hutan dengan paman saya.berarti: Ketika berarti 'waktu itu'.
Waktu Introducer Sementaraex: Sementara dia duduk di teras rumahnya, seorang pria menakutkan besar datang.berarti: berarti Sementara 'selama waktu itu.
Adverbial Klausul ke Show Penyebab efek Hubungan (Menggunakan karena, karena, sebagai, untuk, dan karena)
Klausa adverbial untuk menunjukkan sebab-akibat hubungan biasanya diperlukan dalam eksposisi analitis dan menegur. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting untuk memahami penggunaan konjungsi sebab-akibat hubungan.
A. penggunaan karena, karena, sebagai, dan selama
Pelajari contoh berikut.
a. Banjir terjadi secara teratur karena sungai-sungai tidak dapat menampung jumlah besar
(Klausa independen) karena + (klausa adverbial)
Subject + Verb / to-be Subject + Verb / to-be
b. Karena sungai-sungai tidak dapat menampung jumlah besar air, banjir terjadi
secara teratur.
Karena + (klausa adverbial) (klausa independen)
c. Harga-harga kebutuhan pokok meningkat karena kenaikan harga BBM.
d. Anda harus mempelajari lebih intensif karena ujian akan segera datang.
e. Mereka tidak akan pergi ke sekolah selama mereka tidak mampu untuk membayar biaya sekolah dan
mahal buku.
Catatan:1. sebagai dan karena berarti sama: "karena". Selama berarti "tetapi hanya jika".2. Sambung (karena, seperti, karena, selama) mungkin datang sebelum atau sesudah independen (utama)
klausa. Bandingkan contoh a dan b.3. Ketika konjungsi datang sebelum klausa independen, koma diperlukan.4. Kedua klausa adverbial klausa independen dan terdiri dari subjek dan predikat (kata kerja / to-be).
B. Penggunaan "karena"
Pelajari contoh.
a. Karena kualitasnya yang rendah, produk tersebut tidak dapat dijual dengan harga yang baik.
Karena + adverbial klausa, Klausul Independen
b. Karena kualitas rendah, produk tersebut tidak dapat dijual dengan harga yang baik.
Karena Noun +, Ayat Independen
Adverbial Klausul Waktu (Menggunakan dengan waktu, sampai, sekali, sebagaimana dan secepat)
Untuk membuat teks, terutama narasi menjadi koheren, maka perlu menggunakan klausa adverbial waktu. Beberapa kata-kata umum untuk memperkenalkan klausa adverbial waktu adalah: sampai, karena, pada saat, sekali dan begitu.Pelajari contoh berikut.a. Saya tinggal di rumah sampai hujan berhenti.b. Sebagai seorang wanita sedang menunggu suaminya di depan rumah, anak mulai menangis.c. Pada saat orang itu tiba, anak sudah tidur.d. Begitu ia mendapat kesempatan, dia memukul orang besar di kepala.e. Segera setelah hujan dimulai, ia menghentikan mobilnya.
Catatan:- Sampai atau sampai berarti "timeand yang kemudian tidak lagi" (sampai digunakan biasanya dalam berbicara).- Sebagai berarti "sementara", selama waktu itu.- Pada saat berarti "satu acara selesai sebelum acara lain".- Sekali dan begitu berarti sama, "ketika satu peristiwa terjadi, peristiwa lain yang terjadi segera setelah itu"
* Klausa Adverbia adalah sub (tergantung) klausa yang digunakan sebelum atau setelah
independen (klausa utama).
Misalnya Setelah ia selesai makanannya, ia berlari ke hutan untuk berburu binatang liar.
Klausa klausa adverbial Utama
Dia berlari ke hutan untuk berburu binatang liar segera setelah ia menghabiskan makanannya.
Klausa adverbial klausa utama
Diambil dari:Kistono, dkk. 2007. Jembatan Inggris Kompetensi. Jakarta: Penerbit Yudistira.
Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012
tugas softkill (bahasa inggris)
Adverbial Clause (Using before,
after, when and while)
Study the following examples.
a. When the baby was in his bed, the big snake approached him.
(adverbial clause) (independent clause)
b. She locked the door to make the gold inside safe before the woman left the house.
(independent clause) (adverbial clause)
Notes :
- Adverbial clauses are dependent clauses which cannot stand alone. The big snake approached him is
the independent (main) clause.
- The time introducers of adverb clause can be put either as the first or second clause (see example a and
- The punctuation: if the adverb clause comes first, a comma is needed to separate clauses (see example
If the adverb clause comes the second, a comma is not necessary (see no. b).
- Adverb clauses introduced by before, after, when, and while are adverb clause of time (meaning that
the clause explain the time of events).
Time Introducer After
ex: The dog was killed by the villagers after it wounded the baby.
mean: After means happening at that time subsequent to a certain time.
Time Introducer Before
ex: Before he died, he said some important words to his sons.
mean: Before means earlier in time or previously.
Time Introducer When
ex: When I was a child, I went to the jungle with my uncle.
mean: When means 'at that time'.
Time Introducer While
ex: While she was sitting at the porch of her house, a big frightening man came.
mean: While means 'during that time'.
Study the following examples.
a. When the baby was in his bed, the big snake approached him.
(adverbial clause) (independent clause)
b. She locked the door to make the gold inside safe before the woman left the house.
(independent clause) (adverbial clause)
Notes :
- Adverbial clauses are dependent clauses which cannot stand alone. The big snake approached him is
the independent (main) clause.
- The time introducers of adverb clause can be put either as the first or second clause (see example a and
- The punctuation: if the adverb clause comes first, a comma is needed to separate clauses (see example
If the adverb clause comes the second, a comma is not necessary (see no. b).
- Adverb clauses introduced by before, after, when, and while are adverb clause of time (meaning that
the clause explain the time of events).
Time Introducer After
ex: The dog was killed by the villagers after it wounded the baby.
mean: After means happening at that time subsequent to a certain time.
Time Introducer Before
ex: Before he died, he said some important words to his sons.
mean: Before means earlier in time or previously.
Time Introducer When
ex: When I was a child, I went to the jungle with my uncle.
mean: When means 'at that time'.
Time Introducer While
ex: While she was sitting at the porch of her house, a big frightening man came.
mean: While means 'during that time'.
Adverbial Clause to Show
Cause-effect Relationships (Using because, since, as, for,
and because of)
Adverbial clauses to show cause-effect relationship are usually necessary in the analytical and hortatory expositions. Therefore, it is very important to understand the use of conjunctions of cause-effect relationship.
A. The uses of because, since, as, and as long as
Study the following examples.
a. Flood happen regularly because the rivers cannot accommodate the great amount of
(independent clause) because + (adverbial clause)
Subject + Verb/to-be Subject + Verb/to-be
b. Because the rivers cannot accommodate the great amount of water, floods happen
Because + (adverbial clause) (independent clause)
c. The prices of basic commodities rise as the fuel prices increase.
d. You should study more intensively since the exam will come soon.
e. They won't go to school as long as they can't afford to pay school fee and the
expensive books.
1. as and since mean the same: "because". As long as means "but only if".
2. The conjunctions (because, as, since, as long as) may come before or after the independent (main)
clause. Compare examples a and b.
3. When the conjunctions come before the independent clause, a comma is needed.
4. Both independent clause and adverbial clause consist of a subject and predicate (verb/to-be).
B. The use of "because of"
Study the examples.
a. Because the quality is low, the product cannot be sold at a good price.
Because + adverbial clause, Independent Clause
b. Because of the low quality, the product cannot be sold at a good price.
Because of + Noun , Independent Clause
Adverbial clauses to show cause-effect relationship are usually necessary in the analytical and hortatory expositions. Therefore, it is very important to understand the use of conjunctions of cause-effect relationship.
A. The uses of because, since, as, and as long as
Study the following examples.
a. Flood happen regularly because the rivers cannot accommodate the great amount of
(independent clause) because + (adverbial clause)
Subject + Verb/to-be Subject + Verb/to-be
b. Because the rivers cannot accommodate the great amount of water, floods happen
Because + (adverbial clause) (independent clause)
c. The prices of basic commodities rise as the fuel prices increase.
d. You should study more intensively since the exam will come soon.
e. They won't go to school as long as they can't afford to pay school fee and the
expensive books.
1. as and since mean the same: "because". As long as means "but only if".
2. The conjunctions (because, as, since, as long as) may come before or after the independent (main)
clause. Compare examples a and b.
3. When the conjunctions come before the independent clause, a comma is needed.
4. Both independent clause and adverbial clause consist of a subject and predicate (verb/to-be).
B. The use of "because of"
Study the examples.
a. Because the quality is low, the product cannot be sold at a good price.
Because + adverbial clause, Independent Clause
b. Because of the low quality, the product cannot be sold at a good price.
Because of + Noun , Independent Clause
Adverbial Clause of Time (Using by
the time, until, once, as and as soon as)
To make texts, especially narratives become coherent, it is necessary to use adverbial clause of time. Some of the common words to introduce adverbial clause of time are: until, as, by the time, once and as soon as.
Study the following examples.
a. I stayed in the house until the rain stopped.
b. As the woman was waiting for her husband in front of the house, the child began crying.
c. By the time the man arrived, the child had already slept.
d. Once he got the chance, he hit the big man in the head.
e. As soon as the rain started, he stopped his car.
- Until or till means "to that timeand then no longer" (till is used usually in speaking).
- As means "while", during that time.
- By the time means "one event is completed before another event".
- Once and as soon as means the same, "when one event happens, another event happens soon afterwards"
* Adverb clauses are sub (dependent) clauses which are used before or after the
independent (main clauses).
E.g. Once he finished his food, he ran to the jungle to hunt wild animals.
Adverbial clause Main clause
He ran to the jungle to hunt wild animals as soon as he finished his food.
Main clause Adverbial clause
Taken from:
Kistono, dkk. 2007. The Bridge English Competence. Jakarta: Penerbit Yudistira.
To make texts, especially narratives become coherent, it is necessary to use adverbial clause of time. Some of the common words to introduce adverbial clause of time are: until, as, by the time, once and as soon as.
Study the following examples.
a. I stayed in the house until the rain stopped.
b. As the woman was waiting for her husband in front of the house, the child began crying.
c. By the time the man arrived, the child had already slept.
d. Once he got the chance, he hit the big man in the head.
e. As soon as the rain started, he stopped his car.
- Until or till means "to that timeand then no longer" (till is used usually in speaking).
- As means "while", during that time.
- By the time means "one event is completed before another event".
- Once and as soon as means the same, "when one event happens, another event happens soon afterwards"
* Adverb clauses are sub (dependent) clauses which are used before or after the
independent (main clauses).
E.g. Once he finished his food, he ran to the jungle to hunt wild animals.
Adverbial clause Main clause
He ran to the jungle to hunt wild animals as soon as he finished his food.
Main clause Adverbial clause
Taken from:
Kistono, dkk. 2007. The Bridge English Competence. Jakarta: Penerbit Yudistira.
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